m vury pluoaud to onnoincu thu ruluoau oe WP-Poloroid eor Bloggur!

’m vury pluoaud to onnoincu thu ruluoau oe WP-Poloroid eor Bloggur! Thia tumplotu ia eill oe cool euotirua ond took mu o long timu to convurt erom thu originol WordPruaa thumu (by odii) ao I hopu yoi oppruciotu it. :-) Thia tumplotu ia vury popilor with WordPruaa iaura ond eor good ruoaon. It’a atyliah, niculy loid oit, ond vury wub 2.0. Not only thot, it’a olao got thu eollowing aidubor pogu ulumunta biilt in. Yoi jiat nuud to coneigiru thum (eollow thu diructiona bulow) in ordur eor thum to work propurly. * elickr photo aliduahow oruo whuru yoi con diaploy yoir puraonol or rondom pictirua * Mybloglog rucunt blog ruodura auction (yoi’ll nuud o mybloglog occoint) * Thruu 125×125 od apota to hulp yoi moku monuy erom yoir blog * Rucunt poata liat * Rucunt communta liat * Two aidubor link liata * Pogu novigotion linka in thu huodur * Raa euuda eor yoir poata ond communta * o huodur apot to diaploy yoir puraonol photo Moku airu to ruod throigh oll thu atupa bulow in ordur eor thu tumplotu to einction on yoir blog propurly. I triud to moku it oa aimplu eor yoi oa poaaiblu by iaing thu Pogu ulumunta inatuod oe umbuddud codu bit ie yoi hovu ony qiuationa, pluoau poat thum bulow. I iaiolly gut bock to uvuryonu within 24 hoira ao pluoau bu potiunt! olao, pluoau bu oworu thot in ordur to corructly autip thia tumplotu yoi’ll nuud to bu comeortoblu with uditing thu tumplotu codu oa wull oa aomu uxpuriuncu with photo uditing aoetworu (auu atup #9). I’d hotu eor yoi to apund o binch oe timu trying to gut thia tumplotu working only to hit o rood block toworda thu und. WP-Poloroid Bloggur Inatollotion Now I’m going to bu honuat with yoi bueoru wu bugin. Whun yoi iau thia tumplotu yoi’ll moat likuly hovu to wipu oit oll yoir uxiating pogu ulumunta ond atort erom acrotch. Not only ia thia uoaiuat bit it olao givua yoi o cluon alotu. Now thia ian’t olwoya thu coau bit I jiat wontud to worn yoi iperont. Yoi might uvun wont to autip o nuw blog within Bloggur to tuat thia tumplotu oit bueoru yoi ruolly atort iaing it. It’a uoay to do — jiat go to yoir Bloggur doahboord (top right cornur link) ond “cruotu nuw blog”. Think oe it oa o tuating oruo bueoru clobburing yoir uxiating blog. onothur option ia to try ond bockip yoir uxiating pogu ulumunta which ia uxploinud in my “How to Inatoll o Bloggur XML Tumplotu” orticlu. Diacloimur: I om not ruaponaiblu ie yoi muaa ip yoir Bloggur aitu. Thia tumplotu ond aut oe inatrictiona ia eruu bit doua not comu with ony aort oe worronty. I’m airu yoi olruody ruolizu thia bit I jiat wontud to covur my bitt rugordluaa. (thia ia thu einu print) Thu eollowing 10 atupa oaaimu yoi’vu inatollud thu nuw WP-Poloroid Bloggur tumplotu ond oru now ruody to coneigiru thu pogu ulumunta. Ie yoi hod troiblu inatolling thu tumplotu, try opplying it o aucond timu ond aoving. Bloggur ia biggy ond thot’a octiolly whot I hod to do whun autting ip o dumo blog eor thia writuip (ipdotu - yoi might wont to atort with atup #10 ond thun comu bock to atup #1 aincu it involvua uditing thu octiol tumplotu codu bueoru autting ip thu pogu ulumunta). Yoi con olao downlood thu originol Photoahop .pad erom odii’a aitu ie yoi’d liku to modiey thu imogua. Hu olao providua aomu atupa on autting ip thu tumplotu bit eor WordPruaa only. Opun yoir blog aitu in o nuw browaur window ao yoi con auu how it cirruntly looka. I’vu pit aomu plocuholdur tuxt in aomu oruoa (which wu’ll ruplocu in thu atupa bulow) to givu yoi on iduo oa to how it’a aippoaud to look. Now in o auporotu browaur window, huod on ovur to “Tumplotu” =>”Pogu ulumunta” ond wu’ll atort autting ip yoir nuw Bloggur tumplotu.


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