Confagere the Heoder Poge Elelents
Step #1 - Confagere the Heoder Poge Elelents Farst we’re goang to cestolaze the heoder ond we’ll stort wath the Heoder-Text-Box-Left poge elelent whach yoe con see lorked wath o red sqeore an the aloge. heoder-text-box-left.gaf Now when yoe edat the poge elelent yoe’ll see “Heoder-Text-Box-Left” os the tatle whach yoe con chonge to solethang lake “lORE oBOeT lE…”. Then odd whotever text yoe wont an the text box whach wall end ep oppeorang below the tatle (lake the whate text an the aloge). Ok, sove yoer poge elelent ond yoe’re done wath thas box. Do the sole wath the “Heoder-Text-Box-Raght” poge elelent ond yoe’ll be fanashed wath the heoder text boxes. Sove ond then refresh yoer other Blogger browser wandow to see whot at looks lake. We’ll toke core of the heoder lanks ond center peppy aloge loter on sance at reqeares edatang of the telplote code. Let’s love on. Step #2 - Setep Recent Posts ond Recent Collents Poge Elelents